Journey into the Wild! Yup, it was a free week of watching a pre-selected movie and pay attention to the details. Then, share with everyone the 4 key points and or traits. I don’t believe I have ever had this much focus on all the aspects of a flick before. Very interesting, nothing a little note taking won’t help with though!! I just finished, a little later than I thought.

So details, and breakdown is going to have to wait till the a.m. The two hour movie and her journey into the ‘Wild’ took more like 3 hours due to me needing to replay key areas over and over again for full uptake of the lesson or words. Possibly, me thinking on it. I may have a different take away by the morning anyways!!! Too many lessons to be recalled. Time needed at this point, the gathering of thoughts you might call it!
My personal journey:
On my personal journey, I am learning that every challenge is usually a connection to the new direction I need to grown or learn in. I recognize that situation may be there only to gently push and guide me to be my highest version of myself.
I now know, that somewhere there is lesson that need be learnt, a lesson on life. A lesson of greater good that is coming my way! I am learning on my journey to trust source energy, and let it guide my decisions, my thoughts and my actions that follow! Always paying attention, being the mindful observer! Constantly noticing kindness and love in all things, and always FORGIVING other and myself so that source energy can flow through me freely!

Therefore, this journey, into the unknown or wild, I may question it at times. But I do with all my heart and soul trust that the guidance is coming from my higher power and I will be submissive and trust the direction it takes me! Like the movie, I feel many times like I have been thrown out into the Wild, left all alone. But, then I remember, I am never alone. EVER!
Cheryl Strayed (new last name)?:
I am now on the third time through this movie! I just can’t get enough. Every time I go through it, there is yet another lesson I have taken away or seen. Therefore, instead of sharing with you the readers too many details I have chosen to just share some core principals or random moments! I do recommend you all do the same. Her journey into the Wild makes you re-evaluate your own life very much so!
Let me share the movie trailer with you! and then a couple of pointers!
In a short summary! With the dissolution of her marriage and the death of her mother, Cheryl Strayed has lost all hope. After years of reckless, destructive behavior, she makes a rash decision. With absolutely no experience, driven only by sheer determination, Cheryl hikes more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail, alone.
WILD powerfully captures the terrors and pleasures of one young woman forging ahead against all odds on a journey that maddens, strengthens, and ultimately heals her. Only proving in the end that by pushing forward we can attain anything! Needing to forgive the past so that we can move forward, but trusting that source power is always there!

An ah ha moment, second viewing was pausing the video to see exactly what the definition of Strayed meant, that so quickly flashed on the screen. But, I captured it for you all. Why anyone in their right mind would chose this as a new last name? Once you read through this definition, you will find a lot of insight comes to fruition about the content of the movie and how it got it’s name, “WILD”.
Inspirational quotes:
There were a few very touching quotes I would like to share with all of you. I found myself on a journey of my own soul as I wrote them, pen to paper! My soul was opened in a way that they brought about light and enlightenment. I felt that some of you may be inspired or moved by them also!
“Cheryl, if there is one thing I can teach you, is how to find your best self and when you do how to hold onto it for all of your life.”
“It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. And there are going to be a lot worse days than this honey, and you can let them kill you. But, I don’t know. I want to live.”
“There is a sunrise and sunset every day and you can choose to be there for it. You can put yourself in the way of beauty.”
Cheryl Strayed Mom (Bobbie)
These the most valued words that Cheryl Strayed shared on her journey! They touched my heart immensely, brought tears to my eyes!
“There is no way to know what makes one thing happen and not another. What leads to why, what destroys what. What causes what to flourish or die or take another course! What if I forgive myself? What if I was sorry? But if I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do a single thing differently. What if I wanted to sleep with every single one of those men? What if heroine taught me something! What if all of those things I did where the things that got me here? What if I was never redeemed? What if I already was!”
Her hike ends, but her journey begins:

“It took me years to become the woman my mother raised. It took me 4 years 7 months 3 days to do it without her. After I lost myself in the wilderness in my grief, I found my own way out of the woods. I didn’t even know where I was going until I got there on the last day of my hike.
In total tears with the words Cheryl spoke above. But the words she shared there after were just as touching as she completed her journey out of the woods and into her true and new life! She had finally discovered that the world within creates the world without! I wrote down also the last words she said in awe of them, and put them into a photo!

I hope many of you enjoy watching this movie! It truly was a blessing in my life. Let yourself go through this journey with her and help yourself evolve into the best version of you!

"This is the exact info I personally used to grow a 6-figure network marketing business before I was 28 years old and fire my boss… without cold calling or bugging friends & family... and I'd like to show it to you as well!"
Happy 2020,
I hope you have a fabulous TRIP around the Sun.
I am so glad and excited for your last 11 1/2 weeks of MKE. Hope you find the TRUTH in the Franklin Makeover, and creating for yourself a Journey to look forward to every minute of your life.
SOOO Glad you posted.
Isn’t this MKE amazing. Yes, It is difficult and challenging…but each requirement is for your benefit. If you don’t do it, it’s like leaving food on the table, or worse $$$ thrown in the garbage. Yesterday is gone. the Past is over…. can’t do anything about it….just proceed forward and into the future, and fully taking the present time, present moment, present energy to FULL ADVANTAGE.
Also, if you do recap the Weekly blogs, it will only bring joy for the subby and remove more cement. (MKE language).
Julie Standish
Thank you so much Julie! I have encumbered every challenge knowing it is wrapped up in a lesson. A lesson of greater good that is coming my way! I am learning to trust source energy and let it guide my decisions, my thoughts and therefore my actions! Therefore, this journey, into the unknown I may question it at times but I do my all my heart and soul trust it is guided by my higher power and I will be submissive and trust the direction it takes me!